Sunday, December 9, 2007

Musings of an 11 Year Old on the Hidden Words

I am enclosing here the transcript of a conversation (to date) between myself and a very precious human being whom I love dearly and who happens to be 11...

Hey sweetheart! Good! I miss you too baby...I think its maybe because I love you so much!!! Hey, are you on facebook? Couldn't remember if I'd added you or not. You should hop on there if you are. Hey baby, I was reading the first Hidden Word, and Tara and I wanted to do an arts project, where we all read the first Hidden Word and then we all express it in some artistic form, whether it be music, drawing, or whatever else you choose to express it with. It is...

Oh Son of Spirit

My first counsel is this: Possess a pure, kindly and radiant heart, that thine may be a sovereignty ancient, imperishable and everlasting.

What do you think this quote means? Are you interested in doing this with us? Hit me back.


Dear Toddles,
I think you added me on facebook, but I'm not sure. The Hidden word thingy sounds cool. There is this junior youth/youth open mic thing in ABQ where you xpress yourself in any way, shape or form. Being my scatter-brained self, I forgot what its called, but we could present it there. Speaking of song: Come back to me! To the girl who lost her cousin to Canada!! Okay, gtg.

Hey still didn't tell me what you thought the first Hidden Word meant. What do you think that means? And what comes to mind in terms of artistic expression?


Dear Toddalicious,
I think it means to have a clear heart that is free of any badness, and you will be an immortal ruler. Or something like that. I'm thinking of painting as an artisitic expression.
Lots o' luvvvv,
Kiana pie

Dear Kiana pie,

What will you be an immortal ruler of?


dear toddicus,
cheesecake aside, i'd be the immortal ruler of...hmm. i want to say peace, but how can you rule peace? ah! got it. the ruler of a world that knows no war, no fighting, no homicide, gencide, and all that jazz. alright, at least i can start by minding my mom to get the heck of the email and do bio homework!! peace in home, then world!!!
love and smooches,

Dear janey-khozeiny,

So when the Hidden World says...
Oh Son of Spirit

My first counsel is this: Possess a pure, kindly and radiant heart, that thine may be a sovereignty ancient, imperishable and everlasting.

Does that mean that we will literally become an immortal ruler of cheesecake or otherwise? What is that referring to?

Toddy Potty

dear toddy potty
no, i think that it means that our soul will become everlasting. i know, souls always progress after this world, but its like a power-boost.
love and cuddles,
kiana banana

Dear kiana banana,

Very cool you're saying that one of the things that this quote says is that this world is kind of like an opportunity to give ourselves a power boost for eternity...if we do it right. That makes sense to me and I like it. And presumably the first council God gives us is to have a pure, kindly and radiant heart....hmmmm...ok, so you explained what a pure heart meant to you...what do you think a radiant heart means?

Love and snuggles,


Dear Toddalicious,
Yah, I like it too. Kinda drawing from virtue studies in baha'i'(?) school. Hmm...radiant heart...huh. Well, think of the prayer:
"O God! Guide me, protect me. Make my heart a shining lamp and a brilliant star. Thou art the mighty and the powerful.
So, I'm thinking along the lines of that. A brilliant heart shines (duh), but, in this sense, I think it means to shine with the love of Baha'u'llah. My dad said that there was a quote that said that His love attracted all the other loves like moths to a flame. So, if we carry that love in our heart, everyone else will be attracted to it. My mom said that when you have that in your heart, it shows, and you look illuminated, alive. So, that is what I think it means to have a radiant heart. Because, incedentally, (and this has happened among my friends), and i don't know what happened, but people start to talk, and ask, and get interested. So, you kinda teach the faith, too.
Love and snuggles,
Kiana cupcake

1 comment:

Tamara Lea said...

Kiana is such a beautiful soul,such amazing insight!I remember the first time I read this I learned so much about that hidden word.Thankyou Kiana